A Computer Model Study of Methane Migration in Coal Beds

CIM Bulletin, 1973

H. S. PRICE and R. C. McCULLOCH, lntercomp Resource Development and Engineering Ltd., Calgary, Alberta J. C. EDWARDS and F. N. KISSELL, U.S. Bureau of Mines

The methane emmission from deep coalbeds which are actively mined is a serious problem facing the mining industry today. Pinpointing the source of methane and predicting the emission of this gas from these coalbeds is necessary if preventive techniques are to be effectively used to control methane emission. In general, because most coalbeds have water associated with them, the system to be studied may be either single-phase (methane gas) or two-phase (methane and water). Because coal mine geometry is complex and the fluids have variable properties as functions of pressure and methane concentration, the differential equations describing the flow of methane and water are not amenable to analytic solution, but must be solved numerically using high-speed computers. This paper presents the development of such a complex mathematical model along with some preliminary applications of the model to methane emission from one- and two-dimensional coalbeds with and without water present.
Keywords: capillary pressure, computer model, methane, permeability, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Emissions, flow, methane, Mines, Model, Models, Permeability, Pressure, Systems, Value