A framework for Integrated Operations in Mining and Metals


Mr Mark Bartlett (Desert Falcon Consulting, LLC), Mrs Laura Mottola (President & CEO - Flow Partners Inc.)

It is generally accepted that implementing integrated operations planning and execution is a best practice that should yield significant improvements in efficiencies and costs. Over the last decade, several mining and metals companies have attempted to or are in the process of designing and implementing Integrated Operations, either through a control room or a larger operations centre, with varying degrees of success. The authors were interested to create an environment where mining industry professionals would share experiences, investigate and discuss the critical success factors in the design and implementation of an integrated operations model. Under the auspices of the Global Mining Standards and Guidelines Group, over the last six months, a working group with global reach has collaborated to develop a framework for integrated operations. This presentation outlines such framework, which will be further developed into a set of Mining Industry Guidelines for Integrated Operations.