A Technically Feasible Agglomeration-Separation Process

CIM Bulletin, 1968

A. L. MULAR, Assoc. Professor of Metallurgical Engineering, Queen's University, Kingston, Ont. I. E. PUDDINGTON, Director, Div. of Applied Chemistry, National Research Council, Ottawa, Ont.

Since the inception of spherical agglomeration, few investigations to exploit commercially the technique in the metallurgical field have been conducted. Of these, none appear to have been carried sufficiently far to demonstrate commercial feasibility. This paper describes a continuous agglomeration-separation process that can rapidly handle large tonnages of ore material. A small pilot plant designed from information obtained with the semi-batch unit described herein is currently in operation. In the absence of a reagent recovery system or cheap reagents, the process is probably not economically attractive for many common ores. However, for iron ores, the fuel content of the agglomerates can be used in a subsequent step such as direct reduction.
Keywords: Agglomeration, iron ore, iron ore, oleic acid, Queen's University, separation process, Spherical agglomeration, Ore, Ores, Process, Processes, Reagents, test, Tests