Changing the Game: An Environmentally, Socially, and Market Sustainable Approach to Potash Mining


Paul Neufeld, Gensource Potash Corporation

Gensource Potash Corporation (Gensource), is an innovative potash production start-up company, based in Saskatchewan, who’s vision is to revolutionise the way potash is mined and marketed.  Gensource’s plans for its first small-scale, vertically integrated, environmentally friendly project, the Vanguard One project, will disrupt and begin to reshape the potash industry.   In 2018, Gensource received a determination from Saskatchewan’s Ministry of Environment classifying its Vanguard One project as ‘not a development’; because it does not trigger any of the stringent criteria of the Saskatchewan Environmental Assessment Act due to its positive environmental attributes.  These specific attributes are the small footprint of the project, the fact that no salt tailings are produced nor are brine ponds required for to the selective solution mining process, and that the project will not have a significant impact on the environment.  Vanguard One is the first potash project in Saskatchewan’s history to receive this type of determination, and Gensource believes they have set the future direction for responsible stewardship of one of Saskatchewan’s most important natural resources - by initiating the use of efficient and environmentally responsible potash production. A game changer indeed.
Keywords: Potash, Mining, Saskatchewan, Sustainability, Green, Social License, Innovation, Technology, Disruptive