
The CIM Foundation (CIMF) is a not-for-profit charitable foundation (registration number 11883 4480 RR001). The Foundation supports educational programs and activities, promotes the industry as an enviable career choice, and provides scholarships.

The CIM Foundation is a separate legal entity from CIM, but was established and continues to be funded by CIM members.

All contributions are eligible for a tax credit under federal and provincial Income Tax rules. Your receipt for income tax purposes will be sent to you at the beginning of February, unless otherwise requested. The Foundation gratefully acknowledges all donors annually in the CIMF newsletter as well as the on the CIMF Web site, unless you request to remain anonymous.

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Contribution to CIMF Scholarships

The CIM Foundation provides scholarship to attract undergraduate students to a career in the mining industry. These scholarships are supported by donations from individuals as well as special contributions from corporations.

Contribution to the CIMF Fund for CIM Educational Programs

The CIM Foundation supports educational programs in Canada including, CIMs M4S (since its inception in 2005), The Club de Minéralogie de Montréal, BC Mineral ED and Mining Matters. CIMF also creates and distributes its signature educational material such as over 400 mineral cards (free of charge), mineral match panels, and a mineral bingo game.

Contribution to the CIMF Fund for Distinguished Lecturers

The CIM Foundation has been supporting CIMs Distinguished Lecturer Program since 1972. The Distinguished Lecturers Program provides quality speakers to Branches, Societies, Schools and the General Public for their events.

Contribution to the CIMF General Fund

The CIM Foundation contributes to educational programs and activities to help promote the mining industry and its importance in our daily lives. It also fundraises to support education and training initiatives across the country.