The Outokumpu Copper Mine, Finland, and Its Discovery

CIM Bulletin, 1931

THE Outokumpu copper mine is situated in eastern Finland, 50 kilometers west of the city of Joensuu or 225 kilometers directly north of the city of Viborg (Viipuri), which is situated at the eastern end of the gulf of Finland (Figure 1). The ore-body was discovered in 1910 by Dr. Otto Trüstedt after two years of careful, scientifically-directed, search. During the early period of development of the mine, the ore was treated locally and the copper recovered by an electrolytic process.
Keywords: chalcopyrite, Geologiska Koruruissionen of Finland, mica, quartzite, The Outokumpu Copper Mine, copper, Ore, Ores, Outokumpu, Quartzites, Rock, Rocks, Serpentine