The Recovery of Scheelite Concentrate at Hollinger Tungsten Mill During 1942

CIM Bulletin, 1943


NEW sources of supply of tungsten concentrates became necessary when the flow from the Far East was blocked in 1942. In Canada, one source has been noted in the workings of the Hollinger mine at Timmins, Ontario. For many years, a small amount of scheelite had been removed with the gold ore, and an appreciable tonnage of scheelite still remained in the mine. At the request of the Dominion Government, a plant was built to recover this scheelite in the form of a concentrate that could be used by the alloy-steel industry without further preparation.
Keywords: Concentrate, Concentrates, Gold, Hollinger Tungsten Mill, Millerton porphyry, ore, pyrite, Scheelite Concentrate, Ore, Ores, pyrite, Screens