A Seismic Investigation of Mine "Bumps" In the Crowsnest Pass Coal Field

CIM Bulletin, 1958

In September, 1953, seismo.graphs were installed in the Crowsnest Pass area of Alberta and British Columbia to study the 'bumps' which were occurring in the coal mines at Fernie and Coleman, and to investigate the possibility that they might be related to minor earthquakes in the area. During the initial phase of the work, three seismographs were operated at wï.dely separated stations, two in the region of coal mines at Coal Creek and Coleman and one at Turner Valley, distant from any mining operations. Sorne earthquakes were recorded at all three stations and, in addition, many small disturbances were recorded by the seismographs located near the mines, especially -by the instrument at Goal Greek. A closer network of radiolinked seismographs was then installed near Fernie, the records of which definitely established that the small disturbances were occurring in the mine workings, both active and inactive. No relationship was established between bumps and local earthquakes in the area. This work was initiated as a -cooperative effort with the Fuels Division of the Mines Branch, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, which has undertaken a study into the phenomena of ground stress relief in underground mine workings
Mots Clés: Coal, Elk River mines, Fernie., LATIVE P-WAVE, seismograph, Turner Valley, Investigations, Mine, Mines, Records, Seismographs, Survey, Surveys, Valley