Anisotropic minerals in flotation circuits

CIM Journal, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2012

J. S. Laskowski Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC

Anisotropic minerals are important constituents of many ores. This group includes both valuable minerals (e.g., molybdenite in Cu-Mo ores) as well as gangue minerals (e.g., talc in platinumbearing sulphide ores in South Africa, graphite in Cu-Ni sulphide ores in Canada, chrysotile in Ni sulphide ores in Australia, and clay minerals in all types of ores). Aqueous suspensions of anisotropic minerals exhibit different properties than suspensions of isotropic minerals. The presence of anisotropic minerals in flotation circuits affects the flotation process.