Autogenous Grinding in Finland

CIM Bulletin, 1964

Timo Heikkinen Mill Superintendent, Outokumpu, Finland

Mr. Heikkinen's comments, received in the form of a letter to Mr. Bunting S. Crocker, a ppear to const itute a very worthwhile contribution to the original a r t icle in that they expand on Mr. Crocker's statements with regard to the pebble mill practice in Finland. In t he presentation below, we a re reprint ing Mr. Crocker 's original parag raph on t he s ubj ect, and then following t his with an edited vers ion of Mr. Heikkinen's letter. The illustrations and flowsheet serve to a mplify the points made in t he letter.
Keywords: autogenous, kw, Outokumpu, Finland, Pebble Mill, S. Crocker, Mill, Mills, Motors, Outokumpu, pebbles, Plants, Rod mills