Automatic haulage truck—design, development and mine implementation at Inco Limited

CIM Bulletin, Vol. 85, No. 964, 1992

G.R. Baiden, Automation and Robotics, Inco Limited, Copper Cliff, Ontario

An Automatic Haulage Truck (AHT) has been developed for manless tramming of run-of-mine material in an operating mine. The AHT has a 70-ton capacity and uses an electric trolley system in combination with a computer control system to operate the vehicle. The purpose of the AHT was to provide a high capacity, high productivity material transfer system where conveyor belt applications are not immediately practical. The AHT project was started in 1983 at Inco Limited, Ontario Division as a result of the need for rapid material transport to match increased extraction rates resulting from bulk mining methods. The original concept was to use a continuous loader with the truck. However, in order to minimize development problems the truck project was considered a stand-alone project. The AHT project consisted of concept development, preliminary and detailed design, manufacture, surface testing and mine implementation. The AHT was manufactured and ready for testing in 1988. At this point the truck was first moved onto the test track for debugging. This proved successful and in 1989 the decision was made to install the AHT at Little Stable mine on 2000 level. Commissioning of the system was started in 1990 and at present a fully-functional automated haulage system is in place at Little Stobie mine producing 3000 tons/day. This paper describes the project presenting results achieved to date.
Keywords: Equipment, Haulage, Truck haulage, Inco Limited, Electric trolley system, Materials transfer.