Bulk Processing of Fine Materials by Compound Water Cyclones

CIM Bulletin, 1966

J. Visman Head, Western •Regional toboratory, Mines Branch, Dept. of Mines & Technical Surveys, Ed.monton, Alta.

The Compound Water Cyclone is a concentrator for the wet processing, in bulk, of fin~ly divided materials s!lc!t as slack coal, fine ores and mmeral sands. It was or1g1- nally developed by the Fuels and Minin&" Practice Divi~ion of the Mines Branch, Department of Mmes and Techrucal Surveys, Ottawa, for the cleaning of friable slack coals and slurries. Since its introduction in the coal industry in 1962, its application to other materials has also been studied, with special emphasis on simplicity of operation and low over-all cost per ton of finished product . . In this paper, a descripti<~n is given of com~ercial two-stage units presently available for the processmg of granular materials, including wastes a1:1d other low-grade products. A pneumatic control system is used for opera~ing the cyclone under back pressl_lre .and for automatic cut-point adjustment. An account is given of results obtained on coal mineral sands and ores in the Wes tern Regional Labo~atory of the Departm~nt of _Mines !ind Technical Surveys. Results of several mdustrial apphcations are discussed.
Keywords: Circuit Coal Iron Ore Av., CW Cyclones I and II, probable error, raw feed, specific gravity, Coal, cyclones, Materials, Ore, Ores, Pressure, Sand, test, Tests