Coal Research and Development in Canada - 1969

CIM Bulletin, 1970

N. BERKOWITZ, Head, Coal Research Division, Research Council of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta.

In response to needs created by intensive exploration and accelerating expansion of coal mining in the Western provinces, Canadian R & D on coal is progressively widening its scope. Principal interests continue to lie in coal geology, preparation and processing, carbonization, combustion and transportation, but much active work is also in progress with respect to mine environments, minedland reclamation, and environmental consequences of coal mining, processing and use. Long-range 'basic' research, which characterized much of the R & D pattern in the fifties and early sixties and which was often no more than an attempt to prevent total extinction of a dying industry, has been somewhat de-emphasized, except insofar as it relates to 'safe' coal storage and to coal-based carbons (which are beginning to command attention as pollution control media). In this review, recent exploration, mine development and new preparation facilities are noted, and current R & D in transportation, processing, handling, carbonization and combustion is summarized. Reference is also made to investigations bearing on non-fuel uses of coal (notably as source-materials for carbons and agrobiological products).
Keywords: Alberta, Alberta, Canadian, coal mining, GSC Coal Research Section, lignite, Canadian, Coal, Combustion, Mine, Mines, Research, test, Tests