Computer analysis of the effect of mine subsidence on pipelines

CIM Bulletin, Vol. 82, No. 929, 1989

V.J. Hucka, and J.H. Tu, Department of Mining Engineering, University of Utah, B.M. Das, Coal Research Laboratories, CANMET

Subsidence can cause serious damage to surface installations such as railroads, highways, pipelines, buildings and other facilities over a period of many years. Although total elimination of the effects of subsidence is difficult, the damage can be minimized through a systematic analysis. An example of such a study for reducing the effects of subsidence on pipelines is presented in this paper. Subsidence-induced stresses on a pipeline over some coal mining properties in Utah have been analyzed using a computer with graphics capabilities. The results are useful in predicting the extent of damages due to mining subsidence. In view of the gradual replacement of room-and-pillar mining by longwall with caving, this sort of analysis will become more and more important. In the next phase of this study the predicted results will be compared with the permissible stress levels on pipelines over actual subsided areas in an actual case.
Keywords: Computer applications, Subsidence, Piplines, Mining methods