Dry Grinding at the Wabush Mines Pellet Plant

CIM Bulletin, 1971

A. SOBERING ,• Assistant Resident Manager, Pointe Noire, G. N. CARLSON, Resident Manager, Pointe Noire, Wabush Mines, Pointe Noire, Quebec, Pickands Mather & Co., Managing Agent

This paper describes the conversion of the grinding section of the W a bush Mines pelletizing plant from conventional wet, open-circuit trunnion overflow ball milling, with filtering, and bentonite mixing on a common conveyor belt, to dry, open-circuit, grate discharge grinding, with pug mill mixing of bentonite and water at individual mills. The test work and data on operating economies to justify the cost of conversion are given. It is too early, at the time of writing, to have complete operating confirmation, but data are available. A brief description of the original plant is included.
Keywords: ball mill, bentonite, pug, trunnion, Wabush, Bentonite, dry grinding, Grinding, Mill, Mills, Plants, Water, Waters