Effect of some rock mass properties on blasting-induced ground vibration wave characteristics

CIM Bulletin, Vol. 97, No. 1079, 2004

G.G.U. Aldas and H.A. Bilgin

Ground vibration is the natural result of the blasting process. Many empirical formulae and methodologies including analysis of travel path effects have been developed. The scaled distance, which is the most popular approach for the calculation of the attenuation of particle velocity in the ground, has led to significant advances in the prediction of particle velocity when both explosive charge and distance vary. However, this approach does not consider the effect of ground anisotropy and existence of structural geological features on ground vibration. Therefore, in this study, the effects of these rock mass properties on types, amplitudes, and frequencies of ground vibration waves at four surface mines are examined. The results, which were implemented at Kangal coal mine, Bastas quarry and Kíbrís quarry, provided guidance for the extensive study at Orhaneli surface coal mine. As a result of the study, the authors came to the conclusion that vibration amplitudes change depending on the ground on which sensors were deployed and the conditions depending on whether measurements were done near major structural geological features. It was determined that the vibration amplitudes, measured at equal distances from the source but in different directions, change because of the propagation velocity anisotropy. Besides the change of wave type due to the kind of ground at the measurement location, it was determined that vibration anomolies were due to structural features.
Keywords: Blast vibration, Seismic wave, Wave propagation, Vibration measurement.