First Nations Development Corporations – Their Role in a Resource Based Economy


Mr Albert Drapeau

This presentation will provide a high-level look on the past, present and future role of First Nation (FN) Development Corporations in the development of a strong and diverse northern economy, one that is currently reliant on resource extraction. Discussion will start with an explanation of Land Claims, and the implication of settled vs unsettled FNs. Further discussion will outline how FN Dev Corps operate, citing examples of current business investments including those directly and indirectly providing service and supply for the mining sector. A brief look at the northern economic outlook, mining in particular, will provide a backdrop to the current FN contribution to the economy. Looking at what is happening elsewhere, the presentation will then explore with what is possible for FN Dev Corps and what building blocks and approaches are needed to achieve that possibility. The presentation will conclude with some recommendation and next steps for an enhanced linkage to industry.