Forum on "Ball Mills Using Steel Vs. Pebble Mills"

CIM Bulletin, 1961


TH ESE forums have been held annually since they were introduced by Mr. L. E. Djingheuzian in 1957. The response of millmen to questionnaires such as the one this year is ample evidence of the interest these create. This year's topic is unlike those of past years since it is an attempt to understand a new concept of grinding rather than to improve the old. Before, we were thinking in terms of 2-5 cents improvement in grinding costs, now we will be discussing savings of 15-2 5 cents. As a background for this forum we will begin by summarizing the major controversial issues relating to grinding with steel, many of which will undoubtedly apply to pebble milling. Our task to-day is to Iearn what has already been done in pebble milling and obtain a fair overall view of this method of grinding.
Keywords: Pebble Mill, ball mill, Grinding Media, critical speed