Further Studies on Acid Pressure Leaching a Chalcopyrite-Pentlandite-Pyrrhotite Concentrate

CIM Bulletin, 1973

J. A. VEZINA, Research Scientist, Ore Treatment Section, Extraction Metallurgy Division, Mines Branch, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa, Canada

The effects of particle size distribution on metal extraction have been determined from pressure leaching Renzy Mines Limited concentrate with oxygen. Using a pulp density of 30 per cent solids, an oxygen pressure of 80 psig, a temperature of 230°F, a grind of 2.5 hours and a retention of 8 hours resulted in the almost complete dissolution of the nickel and the cobalt and the decomposition of over 96 per cent of the chalcopyrite finer than 20 microns. Only 11 per cent of the chalcopyrite coarser than 20 microns was reduced to smaller than 20 microns.
Keywords: Chalcopyrite, chalcopyrite, cobalt, PentlanditeGhalcopyrite-Pyrrhotite Concentrate, Pressure Leach Treated Presmicrons Concentrate, sulphuric acid, Cobalt, Concentrate, Concentrates, copper, nickel, Oxygen, Pressure leaching, test, Tests