Integration and enhancement of mine operations and maintenance - A structured analysis approach

CIM Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 1046, 2001

P. Roman, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario L. Daneshmend, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario

During the last decade, mining companies have been overwhelmed by technological solutions to perceived problems. This is particularly true with information technology where rapid advances have resulted in a professional climate characterized by technomania Ñ the perception that failure to adopt emerging technologies will result in a loss of competitive advantage. This paper describes the applicability of structured analysis and design techniques as an appropriate methodology for integrating emerging technologies in the mining industry. The potential of this approach to improve overall mine effectiveness through improved communication and co-ordination between operations and maintenance is discussed.
Keywords: Mine maintenance, Information technology, Total Mining System, Integration Definition Language 0, Production planning, Maintenance costs, Automation, Mine management system.