lmprovements Needed in the Shipping of Sulphide Concentrates

CIM Bulletin, 1969

NOEL W. KIRSHENBAUM, Technology Analyst, (At time of writing, with) Copper Range Company, New York, N.Y.

Difficulties and costs of transport markedly affect Canadian mineral producers because of distance from markets, weather conditions and rugged terrain. The chemical and physical nature of sulphide concentrates presents additional difficulties in handling and transport, resulting in higher costs which are ultimately borne by the mineowner. Troublesome properties include the thixotropic character of wet concentrates, freezing, susceptibility to autogenous heating, and fine particle size causing spillage and dusting losses. Canadian mineowners and shippers must contend with these problems and with stringent regulations governing the maritime shipping of concentrates. A "systems approach," in which complementary techniques in materials preparation, handling and transport are integrated, could reduce freight costs and losses for those selling concentrates facilitate operations for those carrying and handling them and, in sorne cases, improve metallurgical processes in smelters receiving them.
Keywords: Canada, Canadian Concentrates Code, Commonwealth Mining and Metallurgical Congress, Japan Sea, smelter, Canadian, Concentrate, Concentrates, Cost, Costs, smelter, Smelters, sulphide, transport