Mine roof bolt load determinations utilizing ultrasonic measurement systems

CIM Bulletin, Vol. 83, No. 940, 1990

S.C. Tadolini, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Denver Research Center, Denver, Colorado

Roof bolts are the primary means of roof support in underground mines in the United States. Presently, post installation loads are measured on about 10% of the expansion anchor and combination bolts by using standard torque wrenches that Unit the accuracy of the measurements to about ±30%. No system has been available for measuring the loads generated on full-column resin grouted bolts. Mine roof bolts are long, slender, non-uniformly sized, roughly forged, and placed in a corrosive environment, creating obstacles for researchers trying to utilize ultrasonic reflection techniques to measure strain. A complete measurement system has now been developed by the U.S. Bureau of Mines, Denver Research Center. This system is being used successfully in determining loads measured on expansion anchor and combination bolting systems, examining the transfer mechanics of full-column, resin-grouted bolts, and measuring loads generated on bolts in an underground roadway support system.
Keywords: Rock mechanics, Roof bolting, Ultrasonic technology, Research and development.