Organizing For Maintenance

CIM Bulletin, 1970

DOUGLAS A. SLOAN, Partner, Urwick, Currie & Partners Ltd., Management Consultants, Toronto, Ontario

Shutdowns and breakdowns that hait the process-flow of mine production are costly. Skilled maintenance tradesmen are scarce and expensive. The cost of maintenance or of production Joss from Jack of maintenance is significant and warrants considerable managerial attention. The most appropriate maintenance policy is dependent on an economie calculation. At one end of the spectrum is the policy of avoiding ali breakdowns by replacement and preventive routines before failure, such as the airlines polie y. At the other end of the spectrum is the policy of minimal routines and the acceptance of a breakdown as a prelude to a repair. The complexity and cost of maintenance warrants the ap.pointment of a maintenance manager of senior status. Within the organhation, there are a number of activities that can be specialized to improve effectiveness. Among these are the inspectors' activity, the establishment of improvement routines, the planning of repair tasks, maintenance engineering research and value analysis. The maintenance system is the mechanical aid to assist the staff in the implementation of the policy. It is designed to facilitate planning to make the best use of the r~ sources. It provides information to identify areas where managerial action is required to make improvements. The job ticket is the basis of most systems.
Keywords: Buffalo Ankerite, job ticket, Ontario, operations research, senior status, Cost, Costs, Maintenance, Management, Planning, Policy, Production, Records, Repairs