The Cablebolting Cycle — Underground support engineering

CIM Bulletin, Vol. 89, No. 1001, 1996

D. Jean Hutchinson, Mining Group, Klohn-Crippen Consultants Ltd., Sudbury, and Mark Diederichs, Geomechanics Research Centre, Sudbury

Cablebolts are an important support component in modern underground mines. If an optimized cablebolt system is to be achieved, it is insufficient to focus on cablebolt layout design or on cablebolt installation in isolation. Cablebolt support, like all engineered systems, requires a holistic approach, encompassing integrated elements of design, implementation and verification. The “Cablebolting Cycle” described in this paper incorporates these components along with related tools and procedures which should be used together to ensure effective and efficient cablebolt support.
Keywords: Cablebolting, Rock mechanics, Underground mining.