The thermal behaviour of chloride and sulphate bearing MSW incinerator ash

CIM Bulletin, Vol. 84, No. 947, 1991

D. Barham and H.N. Tran, Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto

A systematic survey of the appropriate literature in terms of phase equilibria and possible reactions involving deposits in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) incinerators are analyzed particularly with respect to the theoretical first melting points of typical ashes and the possible presence of a liquid phase at the temperature of ash-metal interface. Conclusions are drawn on the basis of the possible presence or absence of various metal chlorides and sulphates in such situations, and their effects on the problems of fouling and metal corrosion. From preliminary results, it would appear that ZnCl2 is unlikely to be present in any molten phase which causes corrosion because it evaporates rapidly from such liquids. It would also appear that PbCl2 and, by inference, ZnCl2 will sulphate at relatively low temperatures if the flue gas contains SO2 and O2.
Keywords: Metallurgy, Corrosion.