A Model Study of the Resistance to Air Flow of a Rectangular Mine Shaft

CIM Bulletin, 1973

Dr. CEDRIC E. GREGORY, Senior Research Professor, University of Idaho Bureau of Mining Research, Moscow, Idaho, U.S.A

A study of model rectangular mine shafts has been made in the wind tunnel, with the aim of reducing air-flow resistance elements to a practicable minimum. An analysis of Table 7 shows an indicated average decrease in resistance of 28 per cent by adopting the over-all modifications involved in the configurations actually tested. Much greater reductions (up to 68 per cent) are indicated by extrapolating beyond the test results directly achieved. Intermediate partial reductions in aerodynamic resistance are shown for individual modifications, such as: (1) about 3 per cent for locating the lagging in the No. 4 (inside flush) position as against the No. 1 position - 8 per cent as against the No. 2 position - and 23 per cent as compared with position No. 3; (2) about 12 per cent for using lagging instead of steel meshwork along the divider separating the skipway from the service compartment; (3) about 14 per cent for using steel gridwork ladder stagings at 3-set intervals instead of similarly spaced wooden stagings; (4) about 12 per cent for using steel gridwork ladder stagings at 3-set instead of at 1-set intervals; (5) about 13 per cent for fitting a streamlined fairing (see Fig. 5) to the upstream face of the skipway divider. Contrary to expectations, an advantage of only 3 per cent is indicated for lagging in the inside flush (No. 4) position over the outside position (No. 1). This slight gain does not appear to warrant the cost of moving the lagging. However, if the lagging is already in the No. 2 or No. 3 position, there is an 8 and 23 per cent advantage respectively.
Mots Clés: meshwork, steel, U.S. Bureau of Mines, University of Idaho, wind tunnel, Mine, Mines, Model, Models, Resistance, Shafts, steel, test, Tests