A new approach to cemented backfill design

CIM Bulletin, Vol. 78, No. 884, 1985

G. SWAN, Research Scientist, Elliot Lake Laboratory, CANMET, EMR Canada, Elliot Lake, Ontario

The selection of material comprising a backfill is, of economic necessity, site dependent. Nevertheless, given the existing range of typical components—coarse waste, alluvial sand, tailings— a balanced or optimal choice is no straightforward matter. A new design approach toward deciding what constitutes an optimum combination of backfill material promises to be useful. In particular a 'binder' number, based on the mean distance between aggregate particles, specific surface and cement content, is proposed. Using this number, related empirically to com-pressive strength, the expected mechanical performance of any cemented fill can be predicted.
Mots Clés: Rock mechanics, Mine backfill, Backfill design, Mill tailings, Aggregates, Grading, Cement, Compressive strength.