A Technique for Rapid Compass-and-Pace Surveying of Streams

CIM Bulletin, 1971

G. C. MILLIGAN, Professor, Department of Geology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia R. C. PARSONS, Research & Development Dept., Continental Oil Company, Morganstown, W. Va., U.S.A.

IN FIELD WORK in the Cape Breton Highlands, which are heavily covered with vegetation, it is necessary to run traverses along the valleys of small brooks. We encountered difficulty in closing such traverses, and the following technique was developed to solve this problem. It has been tested in the field for four seasons by several people, and found to be simple, efficient and more accurate than any other compass-and-pace system of which we are aware. So far as we can find, the technique has not been described previously. It may be of use to others.
Mots Clés: Control, Dalhousie University, geologist, Nova Scotia, rock mechanics, surveyor, geology, Maps, Nova Scotia, Survey, Surveying, Surveys, Valley