Analysis of open-pit truck haulage system by use of a computer model

CIM Bulletin, Vol. 78, No. 879, 1985

J.H. TU Graduate Student, V.J. HUCKA, Professor of Mining Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

A computer model has been developed for evaluating the performance of truck and shovel operations in an open-pit mine. The data required for describing the haulage network are simplified and shift startup and ending procedures specific to any given mine can be incorporated into the model readily. The model uses a FORTRAN-based simulation language SLAM and can be tailored to the conditions and practices of a particular mine. The model is used to analyze truck and shovel operations, evaluate different haulage layouts in the planning stage, or compare the expected performance of alternative truck dispatch ig systems. Stochastic simulation is used to model the random variation in time required for the individual activities. This gives a more realistic representation of the processes under study. Simulation runs show good agreement with actual performance. The model is especially useful for examining alternatives in equipment acquisition, haulroad design, truck-shovel allocation and dispatching methods. The results of such simulations provide a sound basis for making major management decisions.
Mots Clés: Open-pit mining, Haulage system, Trucks, Shovels, Computers, Dispatching, Simulation.