Atlantic Continental Margin - lts History, lts Future

CIM Bulletin, 1970

D. H. MAGNUSSON, Associate Exploration Geologist, G. H. LONG, Exploration Geologist, Mnbil Oil Canada, Ltd.

THE DEFINITION of the continental margin, as considered in this paper, is in the broad sense: " ... those provinces of the continents and of the oceans which are associated with the boundary between these two first-order features of the earth" (Heezen et aL, 1959, p. 17) . The provinces in the area under consideration are: the Continental Shelf, the Continental Slope and the Continental Rise. The Continental Shelf extends from the shoreline to the shelf break, which lies at approximately the 200-meter isobaths throughout the region (except north of the Grand Banks, where the break may be defined more properly by the 400-meter isobaths ) . The Continental Sloped and Rise occur between the shelf break and the 4,000-meter isobaths. (The last figure was somewhat arbitrarily selected for the purpose of this paper. ) The Atlantic Continental Margin as thus defined extends along thee astern coast of Canada from the International Boundary in the Gulf of Maine northward to approximately the 60 °N latitude off t he coast of Labrador. The area of study amounts to at }east 500,000 square miles - an area roughly equivalent to 13 per cent of Canada's total land surface.
Mots Clés: Canada, Canadian, continental drift, continental slope, earth sciences, Georges Bank, Grand Banks, exploration, North, Oil, Oils, Research, sediments, Slopes