CIM Journal Vol. 10 No. 4

Le CIM Journal est composé de plusieurs articles techniques évalués par les pairs touchant divers volets de l'industrie minière et des matériaux. Joignez-vous aux plus grands penseurs de l'industrie et partagez votre expertise en déposant un document technique pour le CIM Journal.

CIM Journal, Vol. 10, No. 4, 2019



Breaking down energy consumption in industrial grinding mills
J. Bouchard, G. LeBlanc, M. Levesque, P. Radziszewski, and D. Georges-Filteau

Hydraulic excavator versus electric rope shovel performance
R. Andreev, T. G. Joseph, J. Sammut, and M. Curley

Performance prediction of a full-size rapid dampening suspension in an ultra-class hauler application
R. K. Soni, T. G. Joseph, and M. Curley

Is bigger still better? Considerations in increasing the size of haulage equipment
M. Dotto, T. G. Joseph, and M. Curley

Impact of operating conditions on emissions from mine haul trucks operating in the oil sands region of Alberta, Canada
R. J. Schafer-Frentz, T. G. Joseph, and M. Curley

Material handling and flowsheet selection considerations for particle-based ore sorting
B. Foggiatto, J. T. Ross, T. Donkin, B. Patterson, M. I. Guthrie, and G. Lane
