Considerations regarding the definition of remotely located integrated cogeneration plants. Part 2

CIM Bulletin, Vol. 96, No. 1069, 2003

D. Berkley

The competitive pressure, the increasing energy costs and the environmental regulations impose substantial challenges to the definition of power plants serving industrial facilities. Primary mining and metallurgical facilities have even greater challenges because they are often located remotely, where the fuel supply can be a problem. The absence of a power grid imposes challenges on the reliability and quality of the electrical energy supply. In addition, the facilities usually require thermal energy too, not only electricity. This paper outlines these types of issues that have to be considered when defining a cogeneration plant integrated with a remote located industrial facility. It is addressed to the “users” of cogeneration facilities rather than to “generators.” The focus is on analyzing various site-specific design considerations to pre-screen the feasible cogeneration alternatives and minimize the number of options to be analyzed from the economics viewpoint. This approach could substantially reduce the engineering effort and schedule during the feasibility phase of the project. Part 1 of this paper (Berkley, 2003) provides a basic understanding of cogeneration plants of various types to establish a common language. Part 2 outlines and analyzes specific issues that could be of help in the definition of cogeneration installations for remotely located industrial facilities, with a focus on mining and primary metallurgical plants.
Mots Clés: Cogeneration, Remote location, Feasibility, Reliability, Energy supply, Turbines.