Developments in Conveyor Belting for Mines

CIM Bulletin, 1967

J. B. Kitchin Overseas Technical Superintendent, Fenner International Limited, Hull, England

The design of conveyor belting for use in mines poses problerns to the manufacturer that are unique. The challenge to be met is that of the production of a conveyor belt which can withstand use and rnisuse in an environrnent that may differ vastly from one country to another, and even between one mine and its neighbour. The developrnent of a product to rneet such varying requirernents necessitates a protracted prograrn of trials, both in the laboratory and in the field; a new successful developrnent, the only criterion, can be said to have been achieved only after very long-terrn usage under actual, deliberately chosen, arduous rnining conditions. New developrnents in conveyor belt construction can never stop, no more than can developrnents in new and advanced rnining techniques. A new problern is set- an answer must be found. Sorne of the problerns are noted here, and answered where possible, in what must after ali be little more than an excursion into a very comprehensive and detailed subject.
Mots Clés: conveyor belt, synthetic fibre, National Coal Board, carcass, Nylon