Experimental Parameter Identification For a Dynamic Model of a Continuous Rod Mill

CIM Bulletin, 1972

R. D. FOURNIER and H. W. SMITH, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario

This paper presents the results of an investigation of a full-scale rod mill. Appropriate numerical techniques are developed for the experimental determination of the parameters of a dynamic mathematical model from steadystate data. The results confirm that this full-scale rod mill behaves similarly to laboratory-scale ball mills for which results have previously been obtained. It is noted, however, that although the model presented is adequate for predicting over-all particle size distributions, the size distributions of individual components of a multicomponent ore cannot be predicted.
Mots Clés: ball mill, electrical engineering, process control, residence time, University of Toronto, Ball mills, Breakage, Data, Distribution, Model, Models, Ore, Ores, Rod mills