Integrating 3D Movement into Grade Control at Tasiast: An Innovative Approach


Will Hunt, OreControl Blasting Consultants; Benoit Poupeau, Kinross Tasiast

Recently, a new technology, OrePro 3D, developed by OreControl Blasting Consultants (OBC) in cooperation with Kinross, has been implemented at Tasiast to perform grade control in 3D after the blast has moved the rock.  This innovative approach consists of constructing a post-blast grade control model using blast displacement data gathered from markers (or BMM sensors) and post-blast surfaces to calculate optimized ore control polygons for each possible dig direction.  These polygons can be refined by geologists to maximize revenue and achieve objectives. This paper describes how this system has been implemented and used at Tasiast with several examples of blasts, and value achieved.
Mots Clés: Ore Control, blasting, operations, flitch, optimize, optimizing, value, dilution, ore loss