LHD teleoperation and guidance proven productivity improvement tools

CIM Bulletin, Vol. 87, No. 984, 1994

G.R. Haiden and E. Henderson, Automation and Robotics Group, Mines Research Department, Inco Limited, Copper Cliff, Ontario

An LHD teleoperation and guidance system, developed at the Ontario Division of Inco Limited, has been demonstrated in operation at Copper Cliff North Mine (CCNM) since late September, 1993. The tests performed to date have evaluated the feasibility and production viability of multiple LHD operation, from surface by one operator. The systems technology required to accomplish this consists of an electronic monitoring and control package mounted on the LHD; a high bandwidth mining computer network capable ofproviding radio frequency coverage; and an operator control console which provides an operator workstation for multiple LHD operation. This paper discusses the systems required to accomplish the task of LHD teleoperation and guidance, the benefits of multiple machine operation and future research and development directions.
Mots Clés: Automation, Guidance systems, lnco Limited, LHD operation, Remote mining technology, Research and Development, Robotics, Teleoperation.