Mineralogical Characteristics and Beneficiation of An Oolitic Iron Ore From the Peace River District, Alberta

CIM Bulletin, Vol. 70, No. 786, 1977

W. Petruk, I. B. Klymowsky and G. O. Hayslip, Mineral Sciences Laboratories, CANMET, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa

Mineralogical studies and concentration tests were conducted on samples from an oolitic iron deposit from the Peace River district in Alberta to determine what concentrate grades and metal recoveries could be obtained. The samples assayed 32 to 37 wt. % Fe, and consisted of goethite, nontronite, ferruginous opal, siderite, quartz, amorphous phosphate and illite. Flotation with fatty acids yielded the best over-all results. A flotation concentrate from a composite sample of the iron horizon assayed, by weight, 43.0% Fe, 12.3% SiO2, 1.9% CaO, 0.9% MgO, 4.5% A12O3 and 2.0% P2OS, and lost 17.2% on ignition, for an iron recovery of 48.8% and a silica rejection of 80%. When heated to drive off the water, the concentrate assayed 52 wt. % Fe and 14-8% wt. % Si02
Mots Clés: Mineralogy, Mineral processing, Benificiation, Oolitic iron ores, Iron ore, Peace River District, Flotation, Separation, Ore dressing.