The Victor Project – Ontario’s First Diamond Mine


The dream is becoming the reality for De Beers Canada, and many other stakeholders, in the development of Ontario’s first diamond mine. After many years of exploration; comprehensive technical and financial evaluation; subsequent Environmental Assessment processes with the Federal and Provincial governments; and the negotiation of an Impact and Benefit Agreement with the Attawapiskat First Nation, the development of the Victor Project is underway. This presentation will cover the construction program for this $1b project that will culminate in the first ore through the process plant in October 2008. The presentation will highlight the technical challenges of the development of a project in remote and environmentally challenging northern Ontario. These challenges include remote power supply, civil engineering in a muskeg terrain, dewatering programs access the ore and maintain a safe open pit, and complex logistics. The presentation will discuss the work required to obtain project approval through the Federal Environmental Assessment process. It will also highlight the work of the negotiation team that resulted in the signing of an Impact Benefit Agreement with the Attawapiskat First Nation as the milestone in the development of a long term relationship.
Mots Clés: Mining, Diamond