Use it or lose it: Early warning tools to maintain Social License To Operate


Mr Nicholas Copeland

The utility of early warning systems for mining projects to help projects listen and react, with the lessons learned from pilot project implementations in South America. The presentation will cover: • assessing pre-existing stakeholder risk information management • leveraging departmental sources and creation of KRIs • reducing silos & drawing from the well of expertise within project teams • creating an Early Warning System with tools and training, to include cutting edge big data analytics and artificial intelligence with innovative 2 way listening tools • enabling with capacity building HQ & project teams to play a more integrated part in project risk management. This has now measured, direct material benefits, with potential to save them, the labor force and host communities the trauma and costs from confrontation and disputes. Throughout the discussion, which has been presented in Toronto last month, the costs of conflict, requirement for sustainability and shared value will be a common theme. Practical case studies from the largest mining investment in Argentina of the last decade and an important feasibility stage project in Peru will be gone through, both of which the Author personally worked on the ground.